zihyd sets up r&d center of wear resistant coating materials of hydraulic motor-pg电子下载

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zihyd sets up r&d center of wear resistant coating materials of hydraulic motor
time: 2015-7-16 14:29:34 from: auhor: click:2751
in june 2015, zihyd together with ningbo institute of industrial technology of the chinese academy of sciences setted up r&d center of wear resistant coating materials of hydraulic motor. the r & d center will mainly focus on orbital hydraulic motor、piston hydraulic motor, etc. with advanced wear resistant coating technology, the motor pressure could be up to 20-25mpa and in the meantime, the speed and working efficiency of hydraulic motor will be improved.
add:ningbo zhenhai economic development zone, road 88, china tel:86 0574-86261172-800 fax:86-0574-86288064