the four knowledge of gear pump repair -pg电子下载

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the four knowledge of gear pump repair
time: 2011-10-10 10:09:05 auhor:gearbox click:2238

with the growth in use of time, the oil pump gear pump will be less, not even oil pump failure, mainly due to excessive wear on to choose a supplier?if your quantity is small, you can go to a local wholesaler, but if you want to order more, go directly to a factory will be more cost-effective.  ningbo zhongyi hydraulic motor co., ltd will can provide superior-quality hydraulic motor, piston motor, pg电子下载-pg电子游戏 ,axial piston motor products and satisfactory service. gear pump wear parts of the main driving shaft and bushing, the passive gear center hole and pivot, the pump housing cavity and gear, the gear face and the pump cover. the main oil pump is worn mainly the technical indicators, it should be demolished decomposition, to identify location and extent of wear and tear, take appropriate measures to repair.

first, the driving shaft and bushing wear the repair of

gear pump driving shaft and bushing wear, its gap with the increase, will affect the fuel pump. this case, the shaft or bushing can be used to repair active way of restoring its normal with the gap. if the shaft wear slightly, just press out the old bush after bush put a standard size, with the gap will return to the allowable range. if the driving shaft and bushing wear serious and severe overweight, with the gap, not only to replace the bushings, and shafts are chrome or vibration welding application method to increase its diameter and then grinding to a standard size, restoration and bush co-ordination requirements.

second, the oil pump case housing repair repair cracks: crack the shell 508 can be cast nickel-copper electrode welding. element to be close and weld porosity, combined with the pump cover surface flatness error of less than 0.05 mm

driving shaft and driven shaft bushing hole hole wear repair: abrasion driving shaft bushing hole after reaming method can be used to eliminate signs of wear, and equipped with the corresponding increase to the size of the bush. wear also driven shaft hole reaming method to eliminate signs of wear, and then press the hole after reaming the preparation of the actual size of output shaft

the pump housing cavity repair: the pump housing cavity wear, in general, cavity insert cuff repair, after the set is about to cavity lining with a large cast iron or steel liner sets. inlay, will be boring to the required cavity size, and the extended end of the bushing wore off, so that it is flush with the surface of the pump housing with

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