zihyd charity foundation established-pg电子下载

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zihyd charity foundation established
time: 2011-09-04 08:47:04 from: auhor: click:2358
12 july 2011, zihyd signed agreement with zhenhai charity federation to establish zihyd charity
foundation for poor families and dropout children.
according to the agreement, zihyd will regularly donate 200,000 yuan to the zihyd charity
foundation every year. the term of the agreement is 10 years and the total amount of donations
will reach 2 million yuan.
zihyd’s general manager mr caiguoding said that zihyd could not develop without the full support
of community, it’s zihyd’s bounden duty to contribute to the society.
add:ningbo zhenhai economic development zone, road 88, china tel:86 0574-86261172-800 fax:86-0574-86288064