automatic transmissions or gearboxes -pg电子下载

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automatic transmissions or gearboxes
time: 2011-08-19 10:24:41 auhor:gearbox click:2203

a silent killer of automatic transmissions or gearboxes is water or coolant mixing with automatic transmission fluid (atf). that is to say, choosing pg电子下载-pg电子游戏 for the goods are not as simple as people normally thought it is. it demands that company understand deeply their hydraulic winch products and scale to get suitable ones.this problem used to be seen in older vehicles with neglected engine cooling systems, but is becoming common in later model cars and trucks that have followed their maintenance schedules. the result is always the same: the transmission must be completely overhauled or replaced.

can the contaminated fluid be cleaned out before damage occurs?

just about every automatic transmission on the road today uses cellulose based paper lined plates called clutches or frictions. these clutches act like brakes for moving and stopping different components inside the gearbox. when the shifter is placed into drive or reverse, it's the frictions that are being applied.

the paper that lines the clutch plates is a very delicate material that is glued to a steel backbone. before the paper is glued to the plate, it has the strength and consistency of a graham cracker. once the material is bonded, it becomes much stronger and can last a very long time under normal operating conditions.

the clutch material is hygroscopic. this means when the clutches are exposed to moisture, the paper material will displace atf for water. that moisture reaches the steel plates causing rust, and breaks down the glue that bonds the paper to the plate. a study done by international lubricants inc about the effects of water exposed to automatic transmission clutches states, "the testing indicated that water added at levels as low as 600 mg/kg migrated to the surface of untreated paper frictionals and contributed to loss of the paper coating and erratic torque transfer properties." in laymen's terms, that means less than a tablespoon of water or engine coolant in a transmission can cause a failure.

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