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create a city of single manufacturing champions -pg电子下载

issuing time:2020-09-26 14:26author:宁波中意液压马达

on the morning of august 12, the city's military order to build a single champion city in the manufacturing industry was signed and the launch meeting of the "100 days and hundred games" series of hospital-enterprise docking activities was held. municipal party committee deputy secretary and mayor qiu dongyao attended the meeting and announced the launch of the "hundred days and hundred games" series of events for hospital-enterprise docking.

at the meeting, representatives of individual champions in the manufacturing industry and special new "little giant" enterprises, representatives of key industrial technology research institutes, high-end talents and innovation teams read out proposals and issued military orders, and representatives of district/county (city) governments representatives from municipal departments respectively made speeches, signed military orders, and signed on-site agreements for 20 major cooperation projects between academies and enterprises. fully promote the construction of the manufacturing industry champion city.

ningbo zhongyi hydraulic motor co., ltd. is one of the first batch of specialized and new "little giant" enterprises of the ministry of industry and information technology of the people's republic of china. the chairman and general manager cai guoding of the company signed a military order at the kick-off meeting as a representative.

the single champion of manufacturing industry is a beautiful "golden card" for ningbo's high-quality development. last year, 308 enterprises achieved main business income of 391.8 billion yuan and profit of 43.8 billion yuan, creating 23.3% of the city's manufacturing industry's main business income and 33.8% of profits. the number of 39 national manufacturing individual championships ranks first among major cities in the country.

qiu dongyao expressed his gratitude to the experts and entrepreneurs who care about supporting the high-quality development of ningbo's manufacturing industry. he said that signing the military order to build a single champion city in the manufacturing industry and launching a series of "100 days and 100 games" hospital-enterprise docking activities are to thoroughly implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech at the entrepreneurs forum and to investigate the spirit of zhejiang and ningbo's important speeches. , to fully implement a specific action required by the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the municipal party committee. accelerating the creation of a single champion city in the manufacturing industry requires the active participation of enterprises, industrial technology research institutes, high-end talents, and innovation teams. it requires the full promotion of various departments and the support of all sectors of society.

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