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cai jemin, deputy director of ningbo foreign experts bureau, visited ciic for research -pg电子下载

issuing time:2020-12-14 13:10author:宁波中意液压马达

on october 15th, cai jiemin, deputy director of ningbo foreign experts bureau, and his entourage visited china-italy for research and guidance, accompanied by the company's general manager cai guoding.

at the symposium, deputy director cai jiemin listened carefully to mr. cai’s introduction, and learned in detail about the company’s development plan and the demand for professional talents. in particular, he had in-depth and detailed exchanges and discussions with mr. cai regarding the introduction of foreign experts and talents. the company has carried out a special connection with the introduction of high-level professional and technical personnel urgently needed.

after the symposium, deputy director cai, accompanied by mr. cai, visited the company's digital workshop that has been put into production and the assembly digital workshop that is being debugged. deputy director cai fully affirmed the company’s investment in intelligent transformation and the results achieved in recent years, and said that the municipal bureau of foreign experts affairs will make every effort to help enterprises introduce high-level technical talents, and help enterprises to develop and innovate technology. the development of the enterprise does a good job of mother service.

zhongyi company has always adhered to the road of "science and technology", has a research and development team of nearly 40 people, and has successively introduced overseas experts from germany, japan, and italy to inject impetus into the company's technology research and development and process improvement. the company has more than 40 independent intellectual property patents. in 2019, it was selected as one of the first batch of specialized and new "little giant" enterprises by the ministry of industry and information technology.


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